Näringslivets EU-Byrå AB
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114 39 Stockholm
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Nedan ges exempel på genomförda projekt inom Europeiska kommissionens ramprogram för forskning och utveckling under perioden 1997-2004. Medarbetare vid EU-Byrån har koordinerat följande projekt inom 5:e och 6:e ramprogrammet:
•ITEC, Improved technologies for the gasification of energy crops; JOR3970125
•EIWU, Efficient Industrial Waste-To-Energy Utilisation through Fuel Preparation and Advanced Bfb Combustion; NNE5/335/1999
•BIFIC, Biomass/waste fbc with inorganics control; ENK5-CT-2000-00335
•Catalytic upgrading of gas from biofuels and implementation of electricity production JOR3950053
•Improved energy generation based on biomass fbc with minimum emissions, JOR3980200
•Small-scale combined heat and power (CHP) from bio-crude oil fuelled to a stirling engine, JOR3980310
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